Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Simple Advice

This is from my friend's blog. She wrote an advice from one of the greatest women in Indonesia, Fahmi Idris. The advice is simple, I bet everyone already know it. But it really helps when you're down. This advice successfully calms me down and so does my friend. Here's the advice. I'm sorry it is in Indonesian.

Kita wajib mendapatkan kebahagian karena kebahagiaan itu adalah milik kita. Jangan pernah mengantungkan kebahagiaan itu kepada orang lain. Buang jauh-jauh segala sesuatu yang akan membuat kita merasa sakit dan menderita, lupakan dan biarkan dia pergi. Serahkan semua urusan kepada-NYA, karena DIA-lah Tuhan yang maha segalanya.

I try to translate it in English, tho' I'm afraid the meaning change.

We deserve to be happy and we're the one who live our life, so don't put your happiness on someone else hands. Throw away the things that can hurt you, just forget it and let it go. Let God do the rest.

My advice, when you don't know which one is right or wrong, do what makes you happy. It's all that matter. As long as you're happy, you'll be safe. At least, you won't regret your choice that makes you happy.

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