Friday, December 27, 2013

Groundbreaking Thinker

I tried this personality test on It describes how I think and how I do my works. Well, they get almost all of it, I guess. Here it is, just so you can know more about me :)
To save time, the Bold ones describe me the most and the Italic ones somewhat describes me :)
Groundbreaking Thinkers are charming, enthusiastic persons. They really bubble over with energy and like to take centre stage. They love variety both professionally and privately. Groundbreaking Thinkers tackle changes consistently with their optimism and firm belief in their own abilities; they are always on the look-out for improvement possibilities.
As a Groundbreaking Thinker, you are one of the extroverted personality types. Dealing with others, communication, discussions, and a little action are your life’s blood - and some of your strengths. You are very articulate and love variety personally as well professionally. New tasks, new projects, new people, fascinate you because you are always interested to increase your wealth of experience.

Their excellent communication skills are of great advantage to them here. They approach the world with curiosity and openness and master new situations with a great deal of talent for improvising and with resourcefulness. Their spare time is taken up with a large number of hobbies ; most Groundbreaking Thinkers like to travel in order to gather as many different impressions as possible. This personality type is unbeatable at discovering new possibilities.

In their work, Groundbreaking Thinkers highly rate challenges and diversified tasks. They cannot stand routine and too detailed work. They love to astound others with bold ideas for an original, new project and then leave it up to the others to implement them. Hierarchies, rules and regulations arouse their opposition and they love outsmarting the system. It is vital to them that they enjoy their work; if this is the case, they quickly become pure workaholics. Their creativity best takes effect when they work independently; but they are very good at motivating others and infecting them with their optimistic nature. Conceptual or advisory activities appeal especially to Groundbreaking Thinkers. It can happen that some people feel somewhat duped by their flexible, spontaneous nature.

Their sociability and enterprise ensure that Groundbreaking Thinkers always have a large circle of friends and acquaintances in which activity plays an important role. As they are mostly in a good mood, they are popular and very welcome guests. Grumbling and peevishness are unknown to them. However, they do tend to be a little erratic and unstable when it comes to obligations and this makes them appear to be unreliable to some. Groundbreaking Thinkers are very criticaland demanding when it comes to picking a partner because they look for the ideal relationship and have a very concrete picture of this ideal relationship. Mutual aims in life are very important to them. They do not like compromising and would rather remain alone. For the partner, it is often a challenge to have a long-term relationship with a Groundbreaking Thinker. Groundbreaking Thinkers need a lot of space and diversity or otherwise they become bored and feel cramped. Types who are rather more traditionalistic often have problems with the willingness of Groundbreaking Thinkers to take risks and their often crazy, spontaneous actions. However, if one can summon up sufficient flexibility and tolerance for them, one will never be bored in their presence and will always have a loyal and faithful partner. 

Adjectives that describe your type

extroverted, theoretical, logical, spontaneous, rational, innovative, intellectual, open, independent, curious, enterprising, analytical, clever, enthusiastic, venturesome, inventive, energetic, sociable, optimistic, non-conformist, creative, freedom-loving, charming, able to get enthusiastic, self-confident, communicative, capricious, inconsistent, outgoing

Friday, December 20, 2013

Date A Diplomat's Daughter

Date a diplomat's daughter. She values all the available time at her best because she knows there will be a time that she'll leave to another place. She has various idea to plan every moment and yet still be flexible as the leaving time is unpredictable and keep changing in the very last minute. Being together is all she's ever wanted. Simple. 

Date a diplomat's daughter. Since she moves to a new place at least every 3 years, it makes her easy to be friend with. You always have enough time to tell her anything and she'll always ready to listen. Simply because she knows when to speak and to listen as her parents taught her how to behave in diplomatic way. She's also always look at different point of view of something, since different countries have different ways of saying things. So, to fight is not her thing. She may want to argue or debate just to find out why and how out of her curiosity. 

Date a diplomat's daughter. You won't find any hard time to adjust. Give her anything, take her anywhere and she will accept and appreciate everything without complaining as she's been through every possible situation. Better yet, she's very into an adventure, surprise her. You can also talk almost everything with her. Being in foreign countries broadens her knowledge world-widely - economy, politic, law, culture, language - you name it.

Date a diplomat's daughter. She knows how to handle herself and people around her. Trying to live and survive in a new country, makes her able to take care of everything - household problems included. Although she's been through a lot, she still manages to look strong and happy. Because of this, she grows up quickly, becomes more mature and able to adapt fast.

Date a diplomat's daughter. She has strong moral values to hold on into. As environment and friends are changing, she needs a solid ground to keep her in the right path. You can always rely on her and never get disappointed.

Date a diplomat's daughter. It may be hard to keep relationship in a distance, but once she chooses you, she believes that it will works. Since she moves frequently, she only get a chance to trust a few people. If you're the one that she trusts, keep it; or else you'll never get it back.

Note: It only applies when the daughter moves together with her parents after - at least - 2 different foreign countries.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Aku liat temenku ngeluh karena ngisi kuesioner lagi. Sedih ngeliatnya.
Karena bagi jurusan social science, kuesioner itu amat sangat berharga. Tapi jurusan lain kebanyakan ngga melihat value kuesioner tsb.

Oleh karena itu aku nge-post ini. Berharap teman2 di jurusan non-social science bisa menghargai kuesioner dan mengisinya dengan sepenuh hati.

1. FYI, untuk satu published journal paper di bidang social science khususnya di bidang consumer behavior dan marketing, mereka punya sekitar 3-7 studies

Studies itu berbagai macam teknik atau cara dalam menyelesaikan 1 topik. Misal: papernya ttg kepuasan pekerja. Study 1 aku mau liat kepuasan pekerja setelah gaji naik, study 2 aku mau liat kepuasan pekerja setelah gaji naik, tetapi tergantung dgn berapa pengeluaran dia sebulan, dan seterusnya. Kita dituntut utk melakukan modifikasi yang masih didalam satu topik agar satu paper punya kontribusi yang banyak.

2. Satu study harus buat satu kuesioner.

Dalam satu studyminimal ada 2 faktor (Independent dan Moderator/Mediation), 1 faktor minimal ada 2 levelSatu level, minimal harus ada 30 responden. Jadi, kalo 1 study ada 2 faktor = 4 level = 4x30 = 120 responden. Itu baru SATU study. Sedangkan, idealnya dalam 1 paper, respondennya ngga boleh dobel. Jadi klo 1 paper ada 3 study, dgn asumsi jumlah faktornya sama, dibutuhkan 3x120 = 360 responden yang BERBEDA.

3. Pre-test

Sebelum sebar kuesioner yang sebenarnya, kita butuh pre-test untuk menentukan item-item yang akan digunakan dalam kuesioner. Jumlah respondennya cenderung lebih sedikit (minimal 30-40 responden), tetapi, kita harus mencari responden yang BERBEDA juga.

Udah kebayang belum, betapa susahnya mahasiswa jurusan social science mencari responden utk kuesionernya?

Untuk jurusan lain, kalian butuh program atau bahan-bahan yang harus diuji. Semua itu benda mati yang bisa kalian uji coba kapan saja. Ngga ada perasaan jadi ngga rewel dan kalian ngga usah merasa sungkan karena mengganggu waktunya.

Nah untuk social science, kita butuh manusia untuk diuji coba. Manusia dengan segala ke-kompleks-annya.

4. Kalo gagal?

Anak social science bikin ulang kuesioner, sebar pretest lagi, sebar kuesioner lagi (yang pastinya orangnya beda lagi).

Kita tau kok, banyak yang malas utk isi kuesioner. Aku pun bingung nyari responden. Aku butuh banyak responden, karena syaratku utk lulus itu harus 2 papers, dengan 4 studies tiap papernya. Jadi butuh berapa responden? simply, banyak.

Hampir semua keluhan mahasiswa yang research di social science itu: "Aku harus nyebar ke siapa/mana lagi?"

Kuesioner ini susah. Bikinnya aja udah susah, jadi tolong at least hargai sedikit kerja keras kami dengan tidak mengeluh. Kalau memang ngga ada waktu dan ngga mau, yaa gpp. Asal jangan mengeluh seolah-olah kami ngga ada kerjaan lain selain mengganggu kalian dengan deretan pertanyaan.


Mahasiswa Social Science Research