Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The four of us :)

Recently, I have 3 close friends to hang out with. We're about in the same age, but with different background and personality. But when we come together, everything fits. We have a lots of fun together. We can talk and laugh about anything. And with them, I forget about all my sadness. All I can do is just have fun!

There are two kinds of friends: the one who listens and gives you advice and the one who doesn't know about your problems, but they can cheer you up. Sometimes a best friend can do both, giving advice and cheering. But some of them can only do one. Like the four of us.

You can't say that they're my best friends, because we barely know each other, but we're close enough to spend the whole two days in a row together :)

And last time, I just realize that actually each one of us has a problem, especially about love, but no one bring it up. No one wants to talk about their problem and neither asking about it. Even when we want to talk about it we're simply saying it with no emotion attach. Then we forget about it and have fun! or sometimes, we're making fun of it, so we can laugh at our own sad stories. Together, we are really good at building a positive energy surround us. We turn everything into something we can laugh about.

These friends tell me that everyone has their own problem. But it doesn't mean you have to be sad all the time. Sometimes you have to put your problems behind and have fun. When you're happy, you can think and act positively, so then you can solve your problem. Like the advice from my previous post: throw away the things that can hurt you and be happy!

I would like to thank them for being around when my days are going down. They help me to go through the path that I used to go with him. So now I'm walking down that road with a smile on my face. Because, the memories about him is no longer exist, it replaced by them :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Simple Advice

This is from my friend's blog. She wrote an advice from one of the greatest women in Indonesia, Fahmi Idris. The advice is simple, I bet everyone already know it. But it really helps when you're down. This advice successfully calms me down and so does my friend. Here's the advice. I'm sorry it is in Indonesian.

Kita wajib mendapatkan kebahagian karena kebahagiaan itu adalah milik kita. Jangan pernah mengantungkan kebahagiaan itu kepada orang lain. Buang jauh-jauh segala sesuatu yang akan membuat kita merasa sakit dan menderita, lupakan dan biarkan dia pergi. Serahkan semua urusan kepada-NYA, karena DIA-lah Tuhan yang maha segalanya.

I try to translate it in English, tho' I'm afraid the meaning change.

We deserve to be happy and we're the one who live our life, so don't put your happiness on someone else hands. Throw away the things that can hurt you, just forget it and let it go. Let God do the rest.

My advice, when you don't know which one is right or wrong, do what makes you happy. It's all that matter. As long as you're happy, you'll be safe. At least, you won't regret your choice that makes you happy.

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Best Friends!

In this winter vacation, I go back to Indonesia, my home country. My purpose is to go Umrah, go to my grandma's place, buy some Indonesian traditional things for our up coming event and meet my best friends! I'm so happy, because all the plan went smooth and I almost finish with the list!

On Tuesday evening I met my very best friend in university, with an initial 'P'. She's working now, so I got to meet her in the evening. Actually it's not enough, because I can't stay out late. Well, the time will never be enough with me and her. We always have something to share with. So at that night, in our-precious-3-hour-time, each of us pick one important subject to share in details, then we gave comment and inside joke. It's nice to know that she doesn't change. She's still a girl I always run into when I have a problem and always will, I guess. After a nice chat, we walked around, we commented on everything we saw, clothes, necklace, everything. And again, her taste doesn't change either. The last stop was a photobox booth, we took the photo packages two times. Why? because of our silliness! and yes that is the same kind of silliness we did back there. Even though we had a limited time, but I'm satisfied, I'm so happy to meet her :)

I have another best friend in university and I was hoping to meet her at the same time with 'P'. But because of the time, I did not set it up. So I met her on Thursday, instead. Call her 'R'. She's also working, but with her family in her hometown. And she's here, back to town. So this time I can meet up early. We met around noon. I accompanied her to an English test preparation, then went to EX. We had lunch in Chinese restaurant, but before, my friend thought it was a Japanese restaurant, haha. And we spent 3 hours in that restaurant! We talked about everything. First about guys then about ourselves, our future. We seldom talk about the future, and at that time we also don't know why we end up talking about it. But it was a fun conversation. When we want to pay the bill, we kinda surprised, because it was more than 200 thousands rupiah! It is because they don't put the price on the menu, so we didn't know how much it costs. And finally we get out from that restaurant, and I just realized that the waitress shift is changed! haha well, that explains how long we've stayed there. Then we look around the mall and we moved to GI. She's looking for a shirt, a stripe shirt and yes, the same kind of shirt she used to wear. But after 1,5 hours walking around, she didn't found any shirt she likes. Then we had a lite dinner at KFC, we took photos afterward and went back home.

I'm really happy, cause I can spent a quality time together with my best friends. Even though the three of us can't meet together, but we still had so much fun together. Friends are one of the best thing you ever have in your live. So when you have a best friends, keep them and don't take them for granted :)