Friday, February 3, 2012

My Best Friends!

In this winter vacation, I go back to Indonesia, my home country. My purpose is to go Umrah, go to my grandma's place, buy some Indonesian traditional things for our up coming event and meet my best friends! I'm so happy, because all the plan went smooth and I almost finish with the list!

On Tuesday evening I met my very best friend in university, with an initial 'P'. She's working now, so I got to meet her in the evening. Actually it's not enough, because I can't stay out late. Well, the time will never be enough with me and her. We always have something to share with. So at that night, in our-precious-3-hour-time, each of us pick one important subject to share in details, then we gave comment and inside joke. It's nice to know that she doesn't change. She's still a girl I always run into when I have a problem and always will, I guess. After a nice chat, we walked around, we commented on everything we saw, clothes, necklace, everything. And again, her taste doesn't change either. The last stop was a photobox booth, we took the photo packages two times. Why? because of our silliness! and yes that is the same kind of silliness we did back there. Even though we had a limited time, but I'm satisfied, I'm so happy to meet her :)

I have another best friend in university and I was hoping to meet her at the same time with 'P'. But because of the time, I did not set it up. So I met her on Thursday, instead. Call her 'R'. She's also working, but with her family in her hometown. And she's here, back to town. So this time I can meet up early. We met around noon. I accompanied her to an English test preparation, then went to EX. We had lunch in Chinese restaurant, but before, my friend thought it was a Japanese restaurant, haha. And we spent 3 hours in that restaurant! We talked about everything. First about guys then about ourselves, our future. We seldom talk about the future, and at that time we also don't know why we end up talking about it. But it was a fun conversation. When we want to pay the bill, we kinda surprised, because it was more than 200 thousands rupiah! It is because they don't put the price on the menu, so we didn't know how much it costs. And finally we get out from that restaurant, and I just realized that the waitress shift is changed! haha well, that explains how long we've stayed there. Then we look around the mall and we moved to GI. She's looking for a shirt, a stripe shirt and yes, the same kind of shirt she used to wear. But after 1,5 hours walking around, she didn't found any shirt she likes. Then we had a lite dinner at KFC, we took photos afterward and went back home.

I'm really happy, cause I can spent a quality time together with my best friends. Even though the three of us can't meet together, but we still had so much fun together. Friends are one of the best thing you ever have in your live. So when you have a best friends, keep them and don't take them for granted :)

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