Saturday, December 17, 2011


Life is like a roller coaster, or a spinning wheel. Sometimes you're up high in the sky, but in the next second you'll be down under, even lower than the ground. This change is changing quickly. I know, the purpose is to be thankful for what you got right now and never take things for granted. Because nothing is last forever. So you gotta maximize what you have til the limit.

The funny thing is when you're up there, all parts of your life also makes you happy at the same time and vice versa. When you did great in school, your family supports you and you have many friends around. Everything is in line. Everything makes you happy. Sometimes, this what makes us forget to thank God.

And when you're down, when something happens in your family, your performance at school is decreasing and other things. Everything happens at once, until you can barely handle it. There are uncountable tears that falls from your eyes. Many questions that pops into your head, especially: 'why this is happening to me, God?'.

But, do you ever ask the same question when you're happy? NO. I bet you never ask God why something's good is happening to you. It's not fair, right? You only ask and pray more when you're in a bad condition.
I just want to remind everyone, especially me: to always be thankful for what you've got now, good or bad. Because it won't last long and there will be a beautiful plans ahead.

When something bad happens, you gotta stand up straight and look forward. Don't let the situation drags you down. Remember:

1. Always believe that you can handle it, because God will never give a challenge to you, if He knows you can't handle it.

2. If you think the challenge is too hard, always think that it means your level is high now, please..give yourself a credit. And when you finally can get through all this, your level will even higher.

3. It will be over soon. So held your head up!

4. Never ask why! Because someday you'll be thankful of what have had happens.

5. Don't think too much. Follow your heart, instead.

6. Pray and be thankful. Even you had a bad day, at least you should be thankful that you're still alive today :)

"Never expect, never assume, never ask and never demand. Because if it's meant to be, it will be"
"Que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see"

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