Saturday, November 19, 2011


Last night, the whole class felt like they were being 'slapped', somehow by our Professor of Turbulence Management. There are 2 Professor that teaches us for that course and last night, it was the-not-so-favorite one turn to teach. He was supposed to evaluate our mid-term assignment briefly and continue to teach the next lesson. But instead, he took the whole 3 hours class only to evaluate our assignment! What he did was ask the best 3 groups and 1 additional group to present their mid-term assignment and then he tell us how is the best report looks like and how does it correlate to a suit? at this point, I was like.. 'What? what does it had to do with Turbulence?' Well then, I just keep it for myself and trying to survive in that class with no interest at all. Until the end of the class, he still says something about our assignment. So then some of us discussed about what is actually his purpose. His assistant told us that some of our assignment is not focus enough. We just explain and answer it briefly, not to the point.

Well, this is the case. The instruction for our assignment is not clear enough. There's no border line for the assignment. When someone asked him, 'what should we write? should we write about this or this?' then he answered, 'you can write anything you like, anything. Use your creativity'. So then we write according to our group interpretation of the question. We analyze all different aspects. Not so detailed, but clear enough that we put all the possible aspects. Frankly, what he wanted is we have to specify and analyze about just one aspects. But he never told us.

I know, we are an MBA student, so he expect us to think in a business oriented, which is focus to analyze just one aspects. But most of us is in their first year, even first semester. Our mindset hasn't build yet. We still need a direction. It's okay if he doesn't want to teach in detail, but at least, he gives it for assignment, so that he can get what he wants.

I was shocked that it bothers me a lot! I didn't experience this kind of things in other classes. It's because they do give a clear instruction of what they want. Well, yes, people are different. But for this one, this is the basic rule in our live. 'If you want something, say it clear', right? Hello, we are not a mind-reader. Do not expect us to know what you want. We all have a different perception, moreover we have a different background and nationality, which makes our perception diverse even larger.

A good lesson in this case are: (1) "Say clearly what you want. Repeat if necessary" (2) "Ask everything that you don't know, in detail".
I hope that there will be no more miscommunication and I hope I can still fix my mistake and get a good grade. Amin :)

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