This is a video with a beautiful message by Colbie Caillat, titled Try.
When the first time this video was launch, many people commented on it, including pros and cons. I was going to write about it, but I couldn't find a time to write. So here I am now, commenting about the video, about make up, mostly.
This video is saying that don't put on a mask so that everybody likes you. Don't put your make up on if you don't want to. Don't excersice just to get a compliment from others. Make up and excercise is not wrong, the purpose is.
And yes, every woman should know that they are beautiful. So I don't think put some make up every day, every moment is neccessary.
For me, make up is only for work - when it's required to. If you work behind the desk and you don't want to wear make up, you can just look natural but make sure you have enough sleep so you'll look fresh. I'm sure they don't mind. Because the point of using make up is just to look neat and professional. If you look fresh and behave, I'm sure you'll look professional and neat already. *Hey, man don't wear make up to work, why should we (woman)?
If you want to wear make up, before wearing it, make sure you like yourself first. So wearing make up is not for you to hide your fear, but to boost up your confidence. It maybe sounds the same thing, but the focus are different. If you wear make up when you feel you can't blend in and not comfortable with yourself, then don't. Wear it when you are happy and comfortable, so make up can only make you happier.
When you like yourself, then you don't want to wear make up. You'll think that 'I like the way I look now, why should I put some make up?'. Only, some other time - perhaps special occasion - when you feel like you want to look differently - in a good way. I'll say that make up goes in line with your wardrobe. If you look everyday casual, then no need make up. But if there's special occasion, you'll wear something special obviously, so you may wear some make up.
But if you wear make up every time - outside work, ask yourself why you wear make up. Because for me, wearing make up is a sign of insecurities if you use it almost every time.
This post is for those girls that wears make up everyday. A childhood friend of mine is one of them. I feel like I want to tell her that "you don't need those make up to look pretty, you ARE beautiful and I even like they way you look naturally".